Radio Cases, Earpieces & Accessories for Tetra & PMR Radios

Leather Radio Cases

PJ & RHS Limited are specialists in design and manufacture of quality hand crafted leather radio cases and holsters for two-way radios, walkie-talkies and portable hand-held devices. We manufacture radio cases and holsters designed to fit the UK’s leading TETRA, digital & analogue two-way radio brands including: Motorola Radio CasesHytera Radio CasesSepura Radio CasesIcom Radio CasesKenwood Radio CasesYaesu-Vertex Radio CasesBroadnet Radio CasesOelmann Pager Cases, Datanet Pager Cases, Multitone Birdy Pager Cases, Inrico Pager Cases, Swiss Phone Pager Cases and more.  RH Supplies.

Radio Accessories – Earpieces & Push to Talk Systems

Listen-only (receive only) radio earpieces, Push-To-Talk headsets, earpieces for two-way radios, radio headsets with mics, covert earpieces, transceivers, loop inductors and TETRA radio accessories as used by police, airwaves professionals and in the security & protection industries.